Thursday, September 23, 2010


Where did the time go... It has been over nine months since I posted or read any blogs. Not sure what happened. I have to think about that... I see so many changes on the people that I have followed and it's amazing. I will have to check back in more often... Once I get over the anxiety of returning to my blog I will post some updates on the whole band family...

Monday, January 4, 2010

Back on Track...

Well the few days on liquids made me feel all better. From December 29th to January 3rd i was also the lucky winner of losing 9 pounds. Woke Up this morning and was up 3 of those nine but that is still down a total of 6 in 5 days. I'll take it. Not sure why it went up 3 since I didn't change anything but that seems to be how I do this thing. But I have a plan....

I must say, just liquids felt good. It as easy, no pain and I wasn't hungry. It seems like it is so much easier on your body also. My game plan for awhile is alternating liquid days with light food days. I am actually to the point of being tired of food and not even wanting to think about it. I never thought this day would come. I am sure it will pass quickly but for now I am going to enjoy it. I am also getting a fill on Thursday so that will help... I hope to see 299 by Sunday. Isn't that funny being excited to be 299! But I have not seen that since I was 24...I'm 44.

My banded son just hit 317. That is down from 390 in June. I can't tell you how proud I am of him. I am so happy he had this opportunity. I now know he won't be 44 and wishing he would have taken care of the problem 20 years ago. He is not going to waste 20 years of his life, being held back from living because of his weight like his mom did. God I love that kid.

Any whoooo... We are 4 days into this new year, new beginning, new adventures! So far so good... How excited are you all to know this summer is going to be so much different then last summer... We will get to wear cute summer clothes, we won't have to hide so much and make excuses to not do the things we really want to do. I know if all goes as planned I will hit 100 pounds lost by summer... I will still be 250ish, but I can make that look a whole lot better in the summer sun then 350 did!